Find my Longines
We also use other technologies on our Website which allow us and Third Party Providers to offer you a more personalized and engaged web experience, e.g. by offering you advertisements on your social media channels that are more relevant to you or by allowing you to share your experiences on our Website via social media. We therefore use the following technologies:
Please click on the URL’s next to each of these Third Party Providers to learn more about their plug-ins. Note that we have no control over how these social plug-ins work, the data that they collect or what the Third Party Provider does with this information. For more information on how these Third Party Providers use your personal data collected via their social plug-ins, you are kindly referred to their respective privacy policies.
For processing your personal data under the conditions outlined in this Cookie Notice, but with the exception of strictly necessary cookies and functional cookies, we ask for your consent.
Your personal data are only processed for as long as needed to achieve the purposes which are described above or up until such time where you withdraw your consent for processing them, unless we or any other third party have an overriding interest in keeping your personal data identifiable or when there is a legal or regulatory obligation or a judicial or administrative order that prevents us from de-identifying.
For the explained use of cookies and other technologies by or with the assistance of the mentioned partners, we may transfer your personal data to third countries, including to countries that are not considered providing an adequate level of data protection by the relevant regulatory bodies, for example to countries not considered by the European Commission or the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner to be providing such level. In such case, we ensure the appropriate or suitable protection of your personal data by having the recipients adhere to binding contractual obligations in accordance with applicable standards approved by the relevant regulatory bodies or by relying on other safeguards, such as self-certifications, approved by the relevant regulatory bodies. You may contact us for a copy of the contractual and other safeguards in place (see section 9 below).
For any questions you may have or to exercise your rights, you may contact us as follows: